There is certainly an entrenched ruling class, yes, and it does tend to lean toward statism and collectivism, which is broadly left. Its occupants consider themselves centrists if they bother to think about it at all.
My concern is simply this: given how cavalierly they discard the clear directions within the Constitution as it stands, what would it take to force them to conform with it as it might be modified? Changing the rules only affects those who play by them. I don't actually have a position on that, just the question.
To answer a question like that, I think a simple example would suffice. Let's use the hypothetical case that a repeal of the 17th amendment is passed.
If you were a sitting Senator from a state that has chosen to send someone else in your place, what do you do? Do you refuse to vacate your office because you are used to ignoring the Constitution when it suits you?
Can you seriously envision a case where a sitting member of government refuses to abide by the results of newly passed Constitutional amendments?