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To: Finny; KC_Lion; jonrick46

“The one peaceful way out of it will have the potential of uniting more Americans from across the political spectrum than anything American politics has seen in a very long time....”

Well, I disagree that there is just one. I think that there are in fact several, but they don’t involve electoral politics.

But your point is a good one and I want to show you something that most FReepers haven’t seen. This is definitely a left website, just not incredibly stupid left like msnbc or DU.

Now I don’t agree with them and am not trying to spread their views. But you should note some of the titles of the articles and of the books being sold:

-Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion
-Your Rights Aren’t Worth Crap
-Deception and Double-Standards at Mandela’s Funeral
-A Eulogy for the Fourth Amendment

Seems a whole lot like topics that are part of the discussion here at FR.

99 posted on 01/21/2014 1:43:39 PM PST by RKBA Democrat (Having some small say in who gets to hold the whip doesn't make you any less a slave.)
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To: RKBA Democrat; All
Thanks for that link! It will make for some interesting insight on the real America, as opposed to the one the MSM presents using a tiny fraction of American opinion to falsely represent the majority opinion. It is an illusion; the majority hold that tiny fraction in contempt, but the looking glass illusion has the ratios reversed.

Well, I disagree that there is just one. I think that there are in fact several, but they don’t involve electoral politics.

Agreed -- third party (actually, 2nd party) is the only way via the ballot box that I can think of. But ways not involving electoral politics -- it can go almost any direction.

Yep -- America is made up of Americans, some of whom have been lifelong Democrats, and some of whom have been lifelong Republicans. If my own personal experiences with friends/fellow Americans reflects what's happening across the nation --

-- then many Democrats voted for Obama, even though they thought he stunk, for EXACTLY the same reason many Republicans voted for Romney, even though they thought he stunk. People here hated Romney but voted for him saying they were actually voting "against" Obama because OMG, ANYBODY BUT OBAMA!!!!!!!! Countless Democrats hated Obama but voted for him because, OMB, ANYBODY BUT A REPUBLICAN!!!!!

Here is a simple truth that it took me almost three decades to figure out: the only thing that counts at the polls is what you are voting for. There is no such thing as voting "against," and what you vote "against" means zilch, zero, nada after the election is over. The ONLY THING that counts is what you vote FOR.

Both sides have ignored that mathematical truth, and America is paying the consequences.

100 posted on 01/21/2014 2:03:04 PM PST by Finny (Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. -- Psalm 119:105)
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To: RKBA Democrat; Finny
How much have we all grown since Ubummer took office?

How much about your countries history have you learned that you didn't know before?

Because there is now a need to know it.

The Progressive Ear with Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt. Among Many, the Country turned hard right in the 20's then hard left in the 30's. Because the Big Government Republicans agreed with FDR on many things.

Us on the Right must find things to stand together on, it is impossible to agree 100% on everything, it can't be done, but we need to stick by our principles and find others who share them.

Lets Take Kirsten Powers for an example, she is more Pro Life than Many Republicans, yet on other things I want to hit her with my Clue Stick, however because she is Principled in her stance for Life, I can listen to what else she has to say even if I don't agree with it.

101 posted on 01/21/2014 8:35:43 PM PST by KC_Lion (Build the America you want to live in at your address, and keep looking up.- Sarah Palin)
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