To: RichInOC; Lakeshark; KC_Lion; LibLieSlayer
Man. Even the Mob tries to avoid going after families and kids. Excellent point and the absolute truth!
87 posted on
01/15/2014 2:39:37 PM PST by
(Please Support Free Republic - Donate Monthly! If you want on Sarah Palin's Ping List, Let Me know!)
To: onyx; RichInOC; KC_Lion
Brutal and fair observation about the totalitarian left.
Orwell had them pegged big time.
89 posted on
01/15/2014 3:36:24 PM PST by
(Mr Reid, tear down this law!)
To: onyx
I do believe that when we get back into power... we just might have to seek revenge against those that would destroy us. Just enough to let them know that they NEVER want to try that crap again. I do not want to hear about how we are the good guys and never do those things... this is war and war is hell. We will be nice again when there is peace.
92 posted on
01/16/2014 4:01:21 AM PST by
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