For instance, say a person has severe depression. They are miserable and want help, to the point of claiming they want to commit suicide. This is why there are suicide prevention hotlines, to try and provide them with help so that they don't commit suicide.
It would be remarkably easy to persuade or coerce them into actually committing suicide at that point. And there are increasing numbers of people who are more than happy to encourage them to kill themselves.
In parts of Europe, organizations that facilitate suicide are becoming so solicitous in their encouragement of the public to kill themselves or be killed with help, that it is becoming like a horror movie, with self cleaning "suicide boxes" on street corners. "If you want to die, we can help!"
The twisted and sick lizard expert Dr. Eric Pianka gave a speech at a Texas university to a large crowd of scientists, hoping that 9 out of 10 people on Earth would die of some kind of airborne ebola, "for the environment". And he received a standing ovation from all but two of the attendees, one of whom notified the FBI, because some in that audience might actually have had the ability to create an ultra-contagious form of ebola.
With a lot of people like that in the world, any possibility of rational assisted suicide goes right out the window. They have the same mindset as did the General SS guards at Auschwitz. People to them are not human beings, they are just "in the way".
Eric Planka, PhD, not Dr. Eric Planka, which implies an MD.