He does. We tend to forget that blacks used to be overwhelmingly Republican...today, a black Republican is an anomaly.
Our programs are better, we are LOUSY at expressing them. Limbaugh does a good job as he describes how conservatism really helps people.
I agree. The masses vote their interests At least as they see them. And when not panicked by fear- mongering. Much of the time when a “ conservative” speaks, S/ he discusses mostly political or economic theory. They may do it very well. But what they often leave out is the bottom line that many voters want to hear : “And this is how my ideas / program will benefit you, the voter................” Stop talking in gross generalities , even truthful ones like “ rising water raises all boats “. Talk more about the types and numbers of jobs that the policies can be expected to lead to. Have some visuals with “ I want a job more than a handout. “ people. Exactitude
Is often impossible but painting a clear picture of probable outcomes is still essential. As is connecting those outcomes directly to the voters’ situations and concerns. To this degree, Santorum made a very valid point. The rest of his speech I will just let go by for now.