As I’m in my 72nd orbit around the Sun, I have some experience with these people. The Republic is finished. We are a European Socialist nation now. Our currency is devalued and we’re in debt that can’t be repaid. Congress is worthless, the USSC is compromised and the Executive Branch is ruling by EO and regulation. We are divided by conflicting cultures by design. I’ll just be a spectator.
If they gain and keep complete control, there will be no spectators. They are not benign despots. These are truly evil vermin.
We saw these Fascists before, not that long ago. Less than 1 generation ago.
If we have become a European Socialist nation, why didn’t we become Norway? Those guys have no deficit and the government has stashed away about $170 thousand for each of its citizens from their oil money and subsequent investments. I was there a few years ago, a beautiful place. But no, we have to model ourselves after Greece....