I don’t think we discuss race or anti-semitism well in this country. Does Buchanan “hate Jews” or does he just think he is analyzing things correctly and he doesn’t see that he is carried away with it?
The simple fact is that going back 40 years or so, Jewish American influence was huge in support of Israel. Buchanan didn’t like that and called it out.
Since then, as a conservative I have become even more supportive of Israel and oddly enough liberal American Jews have gone so far as to make excuses for the Palestinians and to be pacifists about Israel.
I’m not an isolationist. I think Buchanan is so one track he doesn’t see the value in fighting terrorism. Then again the neos also completely screwed that up.
Well, I recommend reading Buckley’s book, because he really does a good job of distinguishing between “disagreeing with Israeli or neo-con foreign policy” on the one hand and “being an anti-Semite” on the other. He finds examples of people who do the first, but are by no means anti-Semites, and then he does a very very thorough job of cataloguing Pat Buchanan’s writings and speeches and showing that he is one.
American Jews have been thought to be cultural Jews only. JINO’s.
Important to Jews of the ancient faith was bloodline. Common to all races and their progression over the course of centuries, now, is intermarriage, to the point that one might say the Jewish people have been all but wiped out.
Bloodline tenets can’t possibly hold the strict place today that it held in ancient Jewish history of the faith, and they vote for and seem to support their own annihilation, disbursement and defeat as a nation. Go figure.
They were/are the “people of God”, and then the Jewish Jesus as God the Son, built His Church, grafted in the Gentiles and there is thereafter no more real discussion of Israel or the Jews trumping the Church in it’s position with God and His Salvation. Rather, the new Israel is His Church, as the “people of God”. Right?
Wonder if that is behind Buchanan’s consistent throw away lines against Jews and Israel. Head scratcher.