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Ready ... aim ... point ... talk - Gun at meeting reportedly rattles foreign delegates
The Times Union of Albany, NY ^
| 10:47 pm, Sunday, January 5, 2014
| James M. Odato
Posted on 01/06/2014 6:08:36 AM PST by FreedomPoster
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To: Hoodat
The key is in the development of the slide. Slides should be kept simple and easily visual with limited information so that a speaker can effortlessly refer to a point on the slide with everyone knowing what part to look at. Slides with a lot of writing on them are discouraged. You do not want your audience to be lost in the slide while you are speaking. The speaker should always be the center of focus.
Totally agree. I've been saying the same thing for years! The WORST presentation starts with "this slide shows us several interesting things"
To: NY.SS-Bar9
Lasers work very well on “bedroom guns” for fast acquisition in dark rooms.
posted on
01/06/2014 8:27:16 AM PST
("a shadow...draped nobly in the folds of a gorgeous eloquence.")
To: Paladin2
Whacking the screen with a laser doesn't have the same effect. Or the desk of a nodding student - especially when you get the angle and swing just right, and the pointer hits the desk simultaneously along its length.
To: VanShuyten
On TV maybe, or in the movies, possibly in COD Ghosts.
Not in real life.
posted on
01/06/2014 9:09:10 AM PST
(Those that vote for a living outnumber those that work for one.)
To: lcms rev
“If he removed the laser, reholstered the gun, and then proceeded to used the targeting laser as a laser pointer, then I wouldnt really have a problem with it”
What if he unloaded and showed clear, then he would just be using a gun shaped laser pointer? Seriously the whole thing is absurb and inappropriate on a number of levels.
posted on
01/06/2014 9:53:44 AM PST
Brooklyn Attitude
(Things are only going to get worse.)
To: Brooklyn Attitude
Seriously the whole thing is absurb and inappropriate on a number of levels.Agreed. However, I still think there's a major difference between using a "gun-shaped laser pointer" and a laser pointer which can be (but is not currently) attached to a gun.
posted on
01/06/2014 11:04:04 AM PST
lcms rev
To: Brooklyn Attitude
What if he unloaded and showed clear, then he would just be using a gun shaped laser pointer? Don't try to get around Rule #1. That is how accidents happen.
posted on
01/06/2014 12:33:54 PM PST
Haiku Guy
(Health Care Haiku: If You Have a Right / To the Labor I Provide / I Must Be Your Slave)
To: FreedomPoster
posted on
01/06/2014 5:11:23 PM PST
(It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so.)
To: Haiku Guy
FFIW, he shouldn’t have a gun the police building.
But he won’t be prosecuted.
posted on
01/06/2014 5:13:57 PM PST
(It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so.)
To: Paladin2
Delightful post LOL
posted on
01/06/2014 5:18:50 PM PST
(It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so.)
To: Daffynition
Back in the day (long b4 cheap laser pointers) we had a lab laser (liberated from the lab for the weekend) that we shot out a ~3rd floor window at night across the street into a "straight man"'s hands (cupped to "hold it").
The straight man would approach (young) women on the street (sidewalk) and proceed to drop it to then engage them in conversation while "chasing" same.
Funny at the time as few had actual personal experience with a laser dot.
(Entertaining kitties is a regression...;-) )
posted on
01/06/2014 5:28:45 PM PST
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