Sharron Engle did actually win here in Nevada. She was the only candidate left standing after the primary by the way. The establishment candidates Brian (can't remember his last name) was thoroughly destroyed by Reid's minions in his run for secretary of state in the previous election, and had he won the primary, it would have been “deja vu all over again.” Nevada has had a huge growth in population so there were a lot of new voters who did not know about it, so they thought him a good choice, but he was not. The other candidate (also can't remember her name at the moment, sorry) was ruined by her statement about giving the doctor a chicken in exchange for his services. Granted it was taken somewhat out of context, but it was a stupid thing to say in the first place. Sharron presented as an intelligent and articulate candidate in her debate with Harry Reid, and he was a senile dithering inarticulate old fool. He only won because of massive massive vote fraud. Sharron went into the election several points ahead in the polls. If O'Donnell, etc., were half as good as Engle, then we conservatives, in fact, nominated a whole slate of good candidates who would have done a far better job representing us than the wishy-washy RINOs that conventional wisdom considers more electable. My apologies, I just have to disagree with you. I certainly used to think the way you do but I do not anymore. We need to draw the line, we are past the point where we elect the compromisers. A Rino who stands for nothing, who fails to take a stand, might as well be a democrat.
I hope this is readable, it's late, it just my thoughts, I'm dying of ovarian cancer with no hope of any more medical care, facing death, and I just see things in black and white these days. So, please, take a strong stand at every single point, and don't be afraid of losing. It is not possible to compromise any more.