1 posted on
01/04/2014 6:05:49 PM PST by
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To: Kaslin
Predictable yes but it was just a matter of time anyway no matter who was in the White house. All we could ever do is keep dumping money into that hole.
2 posted on
01/04/2014 6:13:13 PM PST by
To: Kaslin
It was predictable as soon as Dubya said “They are just like us”.
3 posted on
01/04/2014 6:14:31 PM PST by
To: Kaslin
Marie Harf is quoted in the article. I can only assume this is the same Marie Harf who recently claimed in the infamous NYT article that “ Al Queda” was not involved in Benghazi?
4 posted on
01/04/2014 6:15:48 PM PST by
what's up
To: Kaslin
The multitude of disastrous sceanarios (home and abroad)created by Hussein were all predictable in 2008.
5 posted on
01/04/2014 6:16:59 PM PST by
(This is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion or satire; or both.)
To: Kaslin
Why countries mistrust us and dislike us. Our inconsistent foreign policy. Our people died for nothing. And the increase of bombings in Baghdad is horrific. I feel worse for those people now than I did when our troops were there. How many of those we trained turned around and shot our troops? Bet very few, unlike Afghanistan.
I think Ovama's and Democrats' mislike strike hatred of all things Bush cloud their vision and cause them to make contrarian moves that are neiyher in our best interest nor the country we had hoped to, I guess, liberate, democratize, now they'd be more worried how they treat the LGBT or whatever it is. Never heard of any of those in Iraq.
7 posted on
01/04/2014 6:19:00 PM PST by
To: Kaslin
Aren’t these the two libtards who wanted Al Qaeda to take over Syria?
8 posted on
01/04/2014 6:21:23 PM PST by
To: Kaslin
...and suggested Obama misled Americans into believing that Iraqi leaders wanted U.S. forces out of their country. This seems pretty weak.
This Dad of two Iraq war vets (one of whom spent a long time in Fallujah) remains hopeful for more focused statements from the the GOP (or any Dems with a conscience).
10 posted on
01/04/2014 6:23:37 PM PST by
(Never give in. Never give in. Never...except to convictions of honour and good sense. W. Churchill)
To: Kaslin
And sad because many Americans gave their lives over there and Obama just pi$$ed away.
13 posted on
01/04/2014 6:24:29 PM PST by
To: Kaslin
Obama does his handiwork of failure throughout the entire Middle East!!! Russia, Iran, China, India are beside themselves laughing at this buffooon, Obama, that we call POTUS!!! Shades of the Roman Empire falling!!! The USA is in harm’s way...put there by our own POTUS Obama. No leader in the entire world respects or trusts him!!! Americans....ya really done good choosing this dreg, failure and serial lie teller for POTUS. The USA has seen its best days!!!
14 posted on
01/04/2014 6:28:15 PM PST by
( My only objective is to defeat and destroy Obama & his Democrat Party, politically!!!.)
To: Kaslin
Another victory for anti-American islamoNazi type murderers. The O foreign policy continues unabated.
To: Kaslin
Intentional is more like it
21 posted on
01/04/2014 6:36:09 PM PST by
To: Kaslin
Wait Obama said AlQueda was on the run...what happened!
22 posted on
01/04/2014 6:37:22 PM PST by
To: Kaslin
If you have a Fallujah, you can keep your Fallujah.
27 posted on
01/04/2014 6:51:29 PM PST by
("The Second Amendment has no limits on firepower"-NY State Senator Kathleen A. Marchione.")
To: Kaslin
I don’t like Juan or Linda. Don’t give a damn about what these two have to say about anything. Don’t need them to tell me Obama is a $@%&$(@#%$##. I know it already.
28 posted on
01/04/2014 6:51:50 PM PST by
(Impeach that Bastard Barrack Hussein Obama the Doctor Mengele of Medical Care)
To: Kaslin
1945 :Nazi affiliates overrunning parts of Berlin including the city of....
32 posted on
01/04/2014 6:57:01 PM PST by
(Contrary To Ordinary)
To: Kaslin
McCain actually finally said something critical about Obama ??????!????? (Six years too late john. )
To: Kaslin
As predictable as those two GOPe fairies jumping in to make points when there is absolutely no political risk to them.
38 posted on
01/04/2014 7:11:22 PM PST by
(Stupid is a Progressive disease.)
To: Kaslin
Does Graham ever have a thought of his own? Right or wrong, he always parrots exactly what McCain says. It’s really creepy, especially because he looks so damned creepy.
39 posted on
01/04/2014 7:15:17 PM PST by
To: Kaslin; cripplecreek; expat1000; Paladin2
McCain and Grahamnesty bark!
44 posted on
01/04/2014 7:27:53 PM PST by
(Obama : 'If you like your Doctor you can keep him, PERIOD! Don't believe the GOPs warnings')
To: Kaslin
Sorry but this is Bush’s fault for not obliterating the place when he had the chance.
50 posted on
01/04/2014 7:59:10 PM PST by
(Graduate: Curtis E. LeMay School of International Relations)
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