Yep, and after a lifetime on Medicaid, every dime paid for your care by the state is reimbursable from your estate. Your heirs will mourn your passing by joining the serf class.
I have a kind of dog in this fight, because I have now landed in the belly of the beast.
Well, so to speak. I now have an information technology job in a state Medicaid agency. They don’t set policy, they don’t govern how the system is used. They just make the computers handle the scads of data involved.
I believe in constructive answers to almost everything. I would recommend that politicians don’t forget Medicaid when seeking to reform Obamacare. Even if repealing Obamacare pro-forma, something has to be done for cleanup. And the government does have some responsibility there because it is the one that mucked the situation up so royally. I’d suggest as robust a return to the private sphere as possible, and don’t forget Medicaid there. Even getting Washington out of its picture (make it a states-alone enterprise) would improve matters immensely.