Impeach Obama in 2014. Period.
The US House of Representatives is analogous to a Police Force - - - they arrest the perp by Impeaching the perp.
The US Senate is analogous to a Jury of Peers who have the power to throw the Impeached perp off of the taxpayer gravy train, take away his residence, ban him from building a Library paid for by us, and ban him from using his personal Corporate Jet, Air Force One.
Most RINO Americans want to wait, Wait, WAIT! until they control the House, the Senate and the White House.
To those weak-kneeded summer soldier patriots I say Enjoy the Obamanation that you have tolerated since January, 2009.
In similar manner, we Summer Soldier Conservatives continue to tolerate a wimpy, hand-wringing, sobbing, crybaby Speaker of the House Boehner as our sorry chief policeman.
Oh, if only my best friends across the aisle would just play nicey nice - - - is the perfect quote that fire-in-the-belly Socialist-Democrats love to hear from their doormat, cowardly, Obamacrat RINOs.
Yes indeed, as long as we WAIT for things to be PERFECT we will never attack those whose goal is to destroy the US Constitution.
Suck it up you sorry House RINOs, and replace John Benghazi Coverup Boehner with SC Rep Trey Gowdey, or SC Rep Joe Wilson.
Without a fire-in-the-belly Republican Speaker of the House, Obamacrat RINOs will continue to cave in to their best friends across the aisle, to the unbridled glee of every Democrat voter in America!
Pretend that you are fighting to enforce the US Constitution, House RINOs.
Fight or go home, House RINOs.
FIGHT or we will send you home!
Impeach Obama in 2014. Period.
I agree it is what should be done. But it won’t. The RINO coalition in either body will not risk being called racist. We need to primary our RINOs. Kick em out.