The police might be able to detain you until you’re positively identified. They can usually do that by getting name, birthdate and jurisdiction you have your ID in, if you don’t have it on you. That’s happened to me before, and they check it out and verify it.
So, it appears, we must carry our “papers” now. Even if doing nothing wrong or even suspicious. Then again, being friends of the scary open carry girls could be considered suspicious, I guess.
> The police might be able to detain you until youre positively identified. They can usually do that by getting name, birthdate and jurisdiction you have your ID in, if you dont have it on you. Thats happened to me before, and they check it out and verify it.
Also bear in mind they are the most lied to profession in the world. They hear lies just about every hour on the job so say about 40 50 hours a week. You work at that job for any amount of time and it gets hard to take people for their word. You build up a residual hostility and have to deal with unreasonable people (that are often insane or bad substance abusers or both). Its no wonder they take out their anger on someone when they’re having a bad day; not that it’s right or professional to do so...just my .02