Every second or third merchant or restaurant or service station has jobs open right now. Some pay low but have tips or bonuses or commissions that can more than double the pay. One motorcycle shop was offering to both pay and train a mechanic apprentice to work there and get certified so he could go anywhere and get good paying jobs. No takers. The merchants all complain nobody wants to work anymore since they can sit home and collect various types of welfare. ( including of course all these “ extended unemployment benefits” and the new “ stomachache qualifies” disability dole ripoff deal). Every one of these jobs is far better than a few of the kinds of work I’ve done and I know many many other folks have had even more difficult jobs than I ever did. We are paying people to watch judge Judy and Gillian’s island reruns all day. UN- good.
The scenario you describe is most pleasing to the American people, and so shall it continue. At some point presumably the floor will fall beneath it all.