It was a pretty darn good movie. Decaprio’s acting was fantastic.
The message to take out of it is to NEVER trust a stockbroker or smooth sounding sales person. NEVER.
The whole lot of them should be taken out and shot. I literally mean that.
Indeed. The brokerage industry probably hates this flick.
NEVER trust a lawyer or a career politician.
A much more timely film could have been made about the corruption at Fannie Mae, the sex toy bribe of politicians like Barney Frank, Jamie Gorelick's $25million pay off, and the way the Democrats deliberately tanked the economy to run up to "remaking" a new Socialist Utopian Amerika.
It looks like these crooks cold called their clients...easiest solution?
hang up
The greed works all the way through the system (the clients wanted to make some fast bucks) and something for nothing dont work