Do you remember the guy, I don’t recall if he was Special Forces or a SEAL but I do know he was one or the other. What happened was that he had bought some land on the edge of the Everglades to spend [live out]his life. The Government decided that they wanted it and offered to but it. He refused to sell and the Government was preparing to kill him and take possession of his land when he realized that if necessary the Government would take his life to accomplish their end and made a deal. And who was going to kill him? These same cops [The Agency is unimportant, they will all follow orders when the time comes]that many on this forum worship the ground they walk and spit on.
“These same cops [The Agency is unimportant, they will all follow orders when the time comes]that many on this forum worship the ground they walk and spit on.”
FR has a few of the “cop sucker” or “badge lapper” catagory, but most of the FR community is well aware of the militarization of American police forces and the dangers therein.
Alas, America re-elected a treasonous Muslim Al-Mansurian candidate and must suffer the consequences. Whether we have the courage of those Americans of days past is probably going to be determined sooner than either of us wish.
But, Islam and commies are what they are. As both systems are collapsing under the weight of their faulty premises, and as neither can accept fundamental revision of those faulty premises, we will be attacked. Sooner than later if I am correct.