I agree. These people are killing the Grand Old Party.
It seems to be their intent.
If they think hey can get elected without Conservative Republicans they are dead wrong.
They think that they can but mexicans will vote for communists... it is what they do... and homosexuals will vote for satan’s party because their life is built around an abominable sin unto GOD and dims will by and large either not vote or vote for the party that they think that the rats still are... circa 75 to 100 years ago. Socialists and communists are already voting in a unified block for the American stalinist party. Blacks will continue to vote for freebies and the racists that hate them. The gop will die if they screw over Conservatives and one more thing... THOSE POS gop/e POLS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO REDEFINE CONSERVATISM... BECAUSE THE TEA PARTY IS CONSERVATISM!