“I’ve been behind her ever since she ran for Vice President.”
She never ran for vice president. Lots of people actually do run for VP. They know they won’t win the Potus nomination but a lot of them figure a good showing will get them the vp job.
Sarah has not run for anything since 2006 and she quit that job soon after.
With 25 such charges, at twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) each she was approaching a half million dollars. The Palins were comfortable, but not rich. These charges were bankrupting them, threatening a lifetime of hard work.They were also taking up most of her time, making her unable to run the State.
As an aside, they also cost the State a whopping $2.1 MILLION dollars. She knew that these scurrilous Charges would continue, the State would be left leaderless and the Palins would be bankrupt.
She also knew she could make a lot of money writing a book and thwart the enemy by resigning, She also put a leader back at the helm.
BTW All the ethics charges, save one minor one were proven false. The one was over failing to pay full airfare on her daughter, Piper.
Since then, she has made a small fortune writing books and driving the Liberal Demonrats crazy. You go, Sarah.
Wellllll..... You know what I mean.