Also, why does the Washington Examiner (the actual source) writer act as if this financial guy is actually so worried about a collapse he is recommending ammo and guns when he ACTUALLY is only commenting on the bad financial advice of these end of the world videos that sucker people out of money?
His quote: "In this eight part series I am not making light of the concerns of survivalists. But I would like to review eight very specific recommendations from a recent video, all of which are representative of the financial scam techniques which often accompany such advice. Here their first piece of poor financial advice along with my comments:"
You then have to subscribe to get the comments (a scam in itself).
A scam about how others scam peoples fear- brilliant!
I have some very important comments on this guys comments about others comments...just send me $5 and I will share them.
Because I totally screwed up. You are right: the source is the Washington Examiner. I see the source has been fixed.