You have state-controlled capitalism (aka communism, collectivism, et al) and individual, free enterprise capitalism. I prefer the latter.
ObamaCare is the precise opposite of capitalism. We now have crony capitalism paired with all the inefficiency of bureaucracy and the arbitrariness of rules that are changed at whim whenever a single petty dictator so dictates. I adore real capitalism and despise slavery.
Pure Capitalism, is the purest expression of human nature.
It can’t be denied.
It can only be, suppressed by force.
I contend that capital in the context of capitalism is “root” or “seed” ..capitalism it’s talking wealth and creating more is farming..plant your seed (capital) and with much effort it produced more then you put’s the way of life....the thing is for the crop to be valid it must be consumed a farmer must produce something people want .this it the free market.
"Freedom of individual enterprise" was the Founders' phrase for describing such economic activity, and as they understood and implemented it, their efforts brought America from the crude tools of ancient Europe to the most free and prosperous destination for oppressed peoples. See the following essay excerpted from "Our Ageless Constitution," a 292-page history of the ideas of liberty in America, again available after 20 years of being out of print.
"Agriculture, manufactures, commerce, and navigation, the four pillars of our prosperity, are the most thriving when left most free to individual enterprise." - Thomas Jefferson
"The enviable condition of the people of the United States is often too much ascribed to the physical advantages of their soil & climate .... But a just estimate of the happiness of our country will never overlook what belongs to the fertile activity of a free people and the benign influence of a responsible government." - James Madison
America's Constitution did not mention freedom of enterprise per se, but it did set up a system of laws to secure individual liberty and freedom of choice in keeping with Creator-endowed natural rights. Out of these, free enterprise flourished naturally. Even though the words "free enterprise' are not in the Constitution, the concept was uppermost in the minds of the Founders, typified by the remarks of Jefferson and Madison as quoted above. Already, in 1787, Americans were enjoying the rewards of individual enterprise and free markets. Their dedication was to securing that freedom for posterity.
The learned men drafting America's Constitution understood history - mankind's struggle against poverty and government oppression. And they had studied the ideas of the great thinkers and philosophers. They were familiar with the near starvation of the early Jamestown settlers under a communal production and distribution system and Governor Bradford's diary account of how all benefited after agreement that each family could do as it wished with the fruits of its own labors. Later, in 1776, Adam Smith's INQUIRY INTO THE NATURE AND CAUSES OF THE WEALTH OF NATIONS and Say's POLITICAL ECONOMY had come at just the right time and were perfectly compatible with the Founders' own passion for individual liberty. Jefferson said these were the best books to be had for forming governments based on principles of freedom. They saw a free market economy as the natural result of their ideal of liberty. They feared concentrations of power and the coercion that planners can use in planning other peoples lives; and they valued freedom of choice and acceptance of responsibility of the consequences of such choice as being the very essence of liberty. They envisioned a large and prosperous republic of free people, unhampered by government interference.
The Founders believed the American people, possessors of deeply rooted character and values, could prosper if left free to:
Such a free market economy was, to them, the natural result of liberty, carried out in the economic dimension of life. Their philosophy tended to enlarge individual freedom - not to restrict or diminish the individual's right to make choices and to succeed or fail based on those choices. The economic role of their Constitutional government was simply to secure rights and encourage commerce. Through the Constitution, they granted their government some very limited powers to:
Adam Smith called it "the system of natural liberty." James Madison referred to it as "the benign influence of a responsible government." Others have called it the free enterprise system. By whatever name it is called, the economic system envisioned by the Founders and encouraged by the Constitution allowed individual enterprise to flourish and triggered the greatest explosion of economic progress in all of history. Americans became the first people truly to realize the economic dimension of liberty.
Footnote: Our Ageless Constitution, W. David Stedman & La Vaughn G. Lewis, Editors (Asheboro, NC, W. David Stedman Associates, 1987) Part III: ISBN 0-937047-01-5
What has happened since the so-called "progressives" have taken the reins of government can be described in the words of Winston Churchill, as follows:
"The difference between what is seen and what is not seen was often noticed by the old economists. What is not seen is the infinite variety of individual transactions and decisions which, in a civilized society, within the framework of just and well-known laws, insure the advantage not only of the individual concerned, but of the community, and provide that general body of well-being constituting the wealth of nations. All this is blotted out by an over-riding State control, however imposing some of its manifestations may be. It is the vital creative impulse that that I deeply fear the doctrines and policy of the socialist Government have destroyed, or are rapidly destroying, in our national life. Nothing that they can plan and order and rush around enforcing will take its place. They have broken the mainspring, and until we get a new one the watch will not go." - Winston Churchill, speech, House of Commons, October 28, 1947.
These are the two terms which bring clarity to the word games the collectivist/progressives/communists/socialists/fascists play.
Real capitalists put their own money at risk goods and or services in hopes of making a profit. Scum bag criminals invest their money in politicians who will then give them other people’s money for nothing.
Or "What is a Capitalism?"
I prefer to think of it as,
"Free Trade" between "Free Men"
Citizens have allowed government entities to become bigger and more powerful
Companies, to survive, have cooperated with government entities.
So an unqualified computer systems contractor from Canada gets a sole-source contract award, from the Fedgov.
What happened to complaints from big, qualified firms? Are they afraid to speak out?
Congressional “Oversight” committees are a joke.
The genesis of the firm, cooperating with government goes way, way back-—the problems did not originate under Obama, but have gotten worse.
Individual entrepreneur is how I describe a capitalist. The socialists created the word
“Capitalism” is a Marx-invented term.
Just call it the free market, or a market economy(where transactions are conducted for mutual gain) as opposed to a command economy(where economic transactions are ordered by men with guns).
Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
A Capitalist is someone who rightfully expects to be paid for their intellectual property, primarily taking some raw material or service and transforming it into a new product or service.