“Jew” refers to an ethnic group (the tribe of Judah, the fourth son of Jacob; and later the kingdom of Judah, which included the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi, called “Judaea” by the Romans). “Judaism” refers to a religion. Muslims are not an ethnic group, evidently, but Arabs claim descent from Ishmael (Isaac’s half-Egyptian half-brother) in particular.
There is no such thing as an ethnic “Palestinian”; they are Arabs, hence descendants of Ishmael. Jesus’ mother (hence Jesus Himself) was descended from Isaac.
Now Jesus as the creator of all mankind means that all mankind can trace themselves back to Him. The notion of being Savior has to do with His shed blood paying for the sins of all mankind. But as for the various generations of mankind, prophecy does say that He would be born of the house of David, of the tribe of Judah, and of no other family.