To change the metaphor, the parasites have consumed the host and now devour one another.
Please note the first comment:
This isn't a race issue. Like they were saying they need to vote differently. Politicians around the country better listen up because there is a welling up of dissatisfaction.
The writer is quite right, there is a welling up of dissatisfaction around the country but he is quite wrong when he says "this isn't a race issue", it is race that has held the Democrat coalition in Chicago in place all my life. Chicago is an ethnic hellhole on its way to becoming a Detroit with a coalition of races, classes and ethnicities pitted against a relatively white state and white suburbia.
It has become become empty ritual in America to deny the essential truth and observe with utterly no factual basis that it "isn't about race."
Nathan Bedford's first Maxim of American politics: all politics in America is not local but ultimately racial.
"They"? Why, they is the plain and fancy they, that's who "they" is! Caught you, didn't they? Tied a tin can to your tail. Led you in and waltzed you out again. Oh my, what a bunch! Big tough ones, hunh? Here you are with a handful of holes, a thumb up your ass, and a big grin to pass the time of day with. They? Who the hell is "they?"