I make no excuses for Black crime — it’s a serious problem that must be addressed truthfully. But the connection you’re making, anton, is too general regardless of your observations.
Civilization is a tenuous affair. And as far as the US goes, civilization is being breached on numerous fronts perpetrated by individuals of all stripes.
Well, one does not have to believe in the science of genetics. But, if one does then my observation above is both correct and unavoidable. One or a hundred exceptions do not disprove a rule. Indeed, they tend to reinforce it. I am happy for the exceptions to the rule. Well ordered descendants of former slaves. Thankful even. But, there is a reason why a black male is 16 to 18 times more likely to commit a violent offense where the victim is injured than his non-black counterparts in the same economic and educational demographic. If you are a believer in science, then genetics is the only rational answer. If you are not, then go with the evil spirits theory. I think genetics is the kinder, gentler theory.