I didn’t know that. So, it was the courage of the users. Where did they all go? And why? Times are worse and worsening. They have a home here. The compliant, cooperatin’ and sceered could be overwhelmed in force of opinion by the sheer numbers, I should think.
Well I can only speak to what it appeared to me as the reason. But I think history bears it out.
Some died, some just drifted away over time.
And like me, some got sick of the infiltration and said to hell with this madness. No one could convince me that a good number of the disrupters here aren’t posting from a Dem or GOP office.
If many won’t fight this simple battle online, how the hell are we supposed to fight them in the real world?
The old guard who chanted “Get out of Cheney’s house!” to the Gorbomination on national TV must be plenty disgusted at what they see lately.