Brats Day Nursery Corby Ltd.
(Corby, Northamptonshire, Britain)
Garden of Eden Day Care Service (Stockton, California) - do they just wear fig leaves?
Cat’s in the Cradle Childcare - scary
Heaven for Kids
Lion’s Den Childcare
Oompa Loompa Land
Punchinello Long Day Care Centre
Wild Things Childcare
Since 2000 in Philadelphia, PA
Years ago there was one near me called “Three Ring Circus Day Care” Open 24/7 for the parents who worked day or night. Don’t know what ever happened to it.
Those are bad, esp. Heaven for Kids, that just sounds creepy, I mean you always worry about getting your kid back alive at the end of the day! And would Harry Chapin send his kids to Cat’s in the Cradle Childcare?