Due to the latest Obamacare flopola, David Plouffe, once Obama's top advisor, was resurrected to mollify the angry crowds.
Faithful Pepsodent-user Plouffe smilingly told ABC'S "This Week" that Americans need not worry---that the $600 billion healthcare-gov web site that was supposed to be up and functioning Oct, then Dec 1, will work really well by 2017...when Obama is out of office.
The sap-happy DNC musta put that soundbite in its 2014-16 "Memorable Democrat Statements" file.
Mmmmm....I sure hope Obamacare covers David's dental work.
Now, America, let's hear a shoutout for the really good news that Obama DOES, in fact, intend to leave office (breathes sigh of relief)).
Why doesn't Obama hire any minorities? He always seems to choose nerdy whitebread, white boys. Something going on there.
The dead eyes of a sociopath. Tell me I’m wrong.