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1 posted on 12/06/2013 1:12:47 PM PST by Hojczyk
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To: Hojczyk

Oh, my. Now who could’ve foreseen this disaster.

2 posted on 12/06/2013 1:15:13 PM PST by Jim Robinson (Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God!!)
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To: Hojczyk
"The bigger concern is, what kind of individuals are enrolling," Thompson said, ...

How judgmental.

3 posted on 12/06/2013 1:15:13 PM PST by RobinOfKingston (Democrats--the party of Evil. Republicans--the party of Stupid.)
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To: Hojczyk

gee.. who could have seen this coming??

whats that Ray Charles? You saw it coming???

4 posted on 12/06/2013 1:15:51 PM PST by cableguymn (The founding fathers would be shooting by now..)
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To: Hojczyk


6 posted on 12/06/2013 1:17:54 PM PST by VRWC For Truth (Roberts has perverted the Constitution)
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To: Hojczyk

Enrolled doesn’t actually mean covered. The insurance companies may not be receiving the correct info AND I hear that state Medicaid agencies may not be receiving correct info for new enrollees either ...

7 posted on 12/06/2013 1:22:30 PM PST by Lmo56 (If ya wanna run with the big dawgs - ya gotta learn to piss in the tall grass ...)
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To: Hojczyk

Right now there is NOTHING more annoying on television than those “I’m covered” commercials with beautiful diversity people mouthing “I’m covered”.

I bet I’ve seen it a dozen times this week already.

8 posted on 12/06/2013 1:26:07 PM PST by nascarnation (Wish everyone see a "Gay Kwanzaa")
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To: All
KRAUTHAMMER---Why Liberals Are Panicking;
The future of entitlement-state progressivism hinges on Obamacare

“Even if it takes a change to the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got.” –Former President Bill Clinton, November 12

So the former president asserts that the current president continues to dishonor his “you like your plan, you can keep your plan” pledge. And calls for the Affordable Care Act to be changed, despite furious White House resistance to the very idea.

Coming from the dean of the Democratic Party, this one line marked the breaching of the dam. It legitimized the brewing rebellion of panicked Democrats against Obamacare. Within hours, that rebellion went loudly public. By Thursday, President Obama had been forced into a rearguard holding action, asking insurers to grant a one-year extension of current plans.

The damage to the Obama presidency, however, is already done. His approval rating has fallen to 39 percent, his lowest ever. And, for the first time, a majority considers him untrustworthy. That bond is not easily repaired.

At stake, however, is more than the fate of one presidency or of the current Democratic majority in the Senate. At stake is the new, more ambitious, social-democratic brand of American liberalism introduced by Obama, of which Obamacare is both symbol and concrete embodiment.

Precisely when the GOP was returning to a more constitutionalist conservatism committed to reforming, restructuring, and reining in the welfare state (see, for example, the Paul Ryan Medicare reform passed by House Republicans with near unanimity), Obama offered a transformational liberalism designed to expand the role of government, enlarge the welfare state, and create yet new entitlements (see, for example, his call for universal preschool in his most recent State of the Union address).

The centerpiece of this vision is, of course, Obamacare, the most sweeping social reform in the last half-century, affecting one-sixth of the economy and directly touching the most vital area of life of every citizen.

As the only socially transformational legislation in modern American history to be enacted on a straight party-line vote, Obamacare is wholly owned by the Democrats.

Its unraveling would catastrophically undermine their underlying ideology of ever-expansive central government providing cradle-to-grave care for an ever-grateful citizenry. For four years, this debate has been theoretical. Now it’s real. And for Democrats, it’s a disaster.

It begins with the bungled rollout. If Washington can’t even do the website — the literal portal to this brave new world — how does it propose to regulate the vast ecosystem of American medicine? Second, arrogance. Five million freely chosen, freely purchased, freely renewed health-care plans are summarily canceled. Why? Because they don’t meet some arbitrary standard set by the experts in Washington.

For all his news-conference gyrations about not deliberately deceiving people with his “if you like it” promise, the law Obama so triumphantly gave us allows you to keep your plan only if he likes it. That’s the very definition of paternalism. Lastly, deception. The essence of the entitlement state is government giving away free stuff. Hence Obamacare would provide insurance for 30 million uninsured, while giving everybody tons of free medical services — without adding “one dime to our deficits,” promised Obama.

This being inherently impossible, there had to be a catch. Now we know it: hidden subsidies. Toss millions of the insured off their plans and onto the Obamacare “exchanges” where they would be forced into more expensive insurance packed with coverage they don’t want and don’t need — so that the overcharge can be used to subsidize others.

The reaction to the incompetence, arrogance, and deception has ranged from ridicule to anger. But more is in jeopardy than just panicked congressional Democrats. This is the signature legislative achievement of the Obama presidency, the embodiment of his new entitlement-state liberalism. If Obamacare goes down, there will be little left of its underlying ideology.

Perhaps it won’t go down. Perhaps the web portal hums beautifully on November 30. Perhaps they’ll find a way to restore the canceled policies without wrecking the financial underpinning of the exchanges.

Perhaps. The more likely scenario, however, is that Obamacare does fail. It either fails politically, renounced by a wide consensus that includes a growing number of Democrats. Or it succumbs to the financial complications (the insurance “death spiral”) of the very amendments desperately tacked on to save it. If it does fail, the effect will be historic. Obamacare will take down with it more than Mary Landrieu and Co. It will discredit Obama’s new liberalism for years to come.

— Charles Krauthammer is a nationally syndicated columnist. © 2013 the Washington Post Writers Group


10 posted on 12/06/2013 1:29:34 PM PST by Liz
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To: Hojczyk

Add to that: Doctors (finally) beginning to revolt.

12 posted on 12/06/2013 1:31:54 PM PST by clintonh8r (Don't twerk me, Bro!)
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To: All
....none of the Boobamba White House "geniuses" anticipated Obamacare would collapse so quickly. Some believed problems would surface only after 2014 midterms and that things would be too far gone by 2016 to make any changes----as Hillary sailed to victory. A groundswell of public support was supposed to Obama figured he easily duped his "community" into thinking they could use food stamps to pay down subprime mtges. And besides, obeisant presstitutes would parrot his line that "things were just fine".....

Boomamba's spent his entire time in office using official govt activities and resources in hopes of building a permanent Dimocrat majority.

Too bad he stupidly threw a bomb into his plans........ w/ Obamacare.

LAUGH BREAK Team O musta been laughing up their sleeves as they connived to insert the infamous "cancellation clause" into O/Care---while planning to regurgitate the old Dem standby---blaming someone else---Repubs (and the insurance companies they unreservedly despise).

Now the stupids must be downing valium and vodka non-stop as we type---the lunkheads failed to factor in that Dems would take the fall at the polls---by the very people they intended to "punish" w/ cancellations ---- we, the voters.

Just call him "Wrong-Way Boobamba." Remember---he "vowed" to destroy the Republican Party----but he ended up destroying the Democrat Party, instead. Looks like he needs a new GPS system from Santa.



Egged on by pie-eyed Pelosi. Dimocrats rammed the monstrous Healthcare bill through on a straight party-line vote and refused to consider a single legislative change---including Mike Enzi's bill to allow Americans to keep their exisitng plans. Now desperate Democrats are frantically introducing “fix Obamacare” bills.

Dims want to separate themselves from their aye votes that they sold to push Obamacare onto unsuspecting Americans------ but they can't.

Republican strategists says ObamaCare “has the potential to be even more potent in 2014 than it was in 2010" (when Repubs took over the House) and that Democrats in competitive seats could see themselves washed out to sea.

Predictions are that the misguided law could get even worse for Dimocrats. “It’s like quicksand. It's sucking people in. And this is just one component. Just wait until the next piece of this law is rolled out,” strategists said.


Now, a really, really big problem for Obama is that people still remember CHEAPER PREMIUMS BEFORE Obamacare. Then they're told Obamacare higher premiums are the real ones BUT NOT TO WORRY---they're getting subsidies as a "gift" from Obama.....

....but here's the politics, it's OK for a pol to be clever and come up with clever ideas. But pols can't "appear" to be clever. B/c the citizenry equates POLITICAL cleverness with deviousness. (George Will on Fox)

13 posted on 12/06/2013 1:34:44 PM PST by Liz
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To: Hojczyk

CNBC? What’s Dan Mangan going to do at his new job?

14 posted on 12/06/2013 1:36:09 PM PST by brownsfan (Behold, the power of government cheese.)
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To: Hojczyk
And it's only just begun. That's why people who understand health care have been saying that the whole web site thing is a day in the park compared to what's coming.

Again, for the record, all the people who are actually signing up are the ones who are sick, have been sick, or are very high risk. Have you seen the stories where the AIDS people are going to get special treatment? Have you seen the story where the women from the Nevada Brothel are signing up?

It's called adverse selection in health insurance parlance. The insurers set their Obmacare rates on the pledge and promise that millions were going to sign up, primarily healthy college Obama zealots. That hasn't, and won't happen.

These college zealots and other healthy types thought Obamacare was going to be free, or next to free. It ain't.

And the bad news (good news) is that based upon this article insurers are now awake from their Obama induced coma and are freaking out at the price they are offering insurance rates at. Somebody is going to have to pick up the tab for the massive losses they will take!

Moreover, and however it works under Obamacare, the second insurers can adjust their rates commensurate to the risk they blindly accepted, they will move them to the roof! And the Obama sycophants think it hard to sign up people now??

That's why I don't see how Obamacare can survive. I think it must collapse under its own weight. It's taking on water fast and it WILL go under. The question is when, not if.

16 posted on 12/06/2013 1:37:28 PM PST by Obadiah (I Like Ted.)
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To: Hojczyk
for us to be sitting [at less than 400,000 enrolled],

Even accepting those numbers as true (they are probably lower given the backend problems and who counts as enrolled), the 400,000 are probably comprised mostly of people who had their insurance policies cancelled--over 5 million of them. The real question is how many of the 400,000 were previously uninsured.

19 posted on 12/06/2013 2:00:38 PM PST by kabar
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To: Hojczyk

An estimated 10 percent of all enrollments now being made on the federal Obamacare marketplace contain data errors that could delay people from actually getting health coverage, officials disclosed Friday.

And that error rate for enrollments submitted via and then sent to insurers before December was an estimated 25 percent, officials revealed.

The rate fell in the past week, officials said, because of repair efforts to's, particular the discovery and fix of one particular software problem that was causing an estimated 80 percent of data errors, officials said. __________________________

They fixed 80 percent of the errors and they still have a 10 percent error rate? If their error rate was 25% before, then solving 80% of the problems would leave an error rate of 5%.

As usual, someone is lying.

If the error rate were under 5%, I would give them a statistical pass. If it was under 1%, I would say that the insurance companies are still unhappy, but they could add staff and solve most of the problems.

10% error rate at this stage? Catastrophe!

But then, everyone here already knows that...

Their only real prayer is for everyone who "enrolled" in October and November to un-enroll and then re-enroll. But they don't really have time, and neither does the server running the show.

Time for more popcorn...

25 posted on 12/06/2013 2:20:36 PM PST by GEC (Obamacare is the #MostEpicFailEver)
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To: Hojczyk

Just got home from visiting with a liberal relative. Was an Obama supporter. We tried to stay away from politics but she started talking about Obamacare and Obama in the very most unkind terms. Couldn’t believe it.

27 posted on 12/06/2013 2:42:28 PM PST by NewHampshireDuo
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To: Hojczyk
Obamacare 'perfect storm': Low enrollments, bad data

Well, this situation is obviously due to those greedy insurance companies.

Therefore, the only remedy for this intolerable situation is a single-payer system, like the wonderful NHS of Britain.

(do i really need the /s?)

28 posted on 12/06/2013 2:56:40 PM PST by bkopto
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To: Hojczyk

An analogy.

During the latter part of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, when the tide had been turned against them, they had a marvelous military disaster.

A major highway connected two cities, and a long stretch of it went through a valley between two mountain ranges. On either side of the highway, at the ends of the valley, were two large bridges. To protect the highway, one of the mountains had lightly defended observation posts.

The Afghans came over the top of that mountain from its backside, so were actually above the observation posts when they attacked and destroyed them. These OPs of course, loudly called for help. And convoys of Russian soldiers left both cities, on the highway, to counterattack the Afghans.

By the time the convoys arrived, and met on the highway, all the OPs had been destroyed. Then the Afghans blew up both bridges, trapping all those trucks and men. And proceeded to annihilate them.

The two convoys, of course, loudly called for help in the form of air support. And in the about two hours before the aircraft arrived, the Afghans pulled back over the mountain, so that the only ones remaining there had Stinger missiles.

So, when the Russian aircraft arrived too late, they were severely punished at the loss of a bunch of helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. The disaster was almost complete.

And this is why I mention it, in a thread about Obamacare.

Because when analyzing the disaster, the Russian command decided that their operations plan had indeed been perfect; and it had only failed because of being poorly executed by those officers tasked with carrying it out. All of whom were no longer voting, as they had been killed.

Foretelling the future, Obama and his cronies will almost certainly do the same thing. They will insist that Obamacare was perfect, and it was an utter failure *only* because their schemes were not properly executed.

29 posted on 12/06/2013 2:57:17 PM PST by yefragetuwrabrumuy (Last Obamacare Promise: "If You Like Your Eternal Soul, You Can Keep It.")
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