Our one and only local hospital has signs up that read “We do not accept Medicaid, if you are Medicaid patient, please make other payment arrangements before we see you” Scary! Most doctors here do not accept Medicare OR Medicaid. So buyer beware!
When in doubt, you can always sign in to a Hospice Center for an Obama/Pelosi/Reid pill.
If your income qualifies you for Medicaid you have no option if you go through the exchange. If you don’t go through the exchange you don’t get subsidies.
I sure would like to see a photo of that sign. It is illegal according to federal law. The hospital would be in violation if they accepted any other sort of payment arrangement from a Medicaid patient.
All the hospitals (4) in my area accept Medicaid patients as do the hospital-affiliated primary care clinics (where I go -- I don't have to change providers). I realize this is not the situation in all other locations.