The budget leaders are crafting a plan to soften the blow of sequestrations across-the-board spending cuts by finding savings in other areas of the budget and by generating revenue through increasing some user fees. The federal government attaches these small fees on things that range from airline tickets to national parks usage. That would allow the two parties to claim that their sacred cows were untouched: Democrats who balk at cuts to entitlement programs such as Social Security and Republicans who wont accept tax increases.
Other sources say they'll raise fees for parks, sell off spectrum, and tweek Gov't Employee pensions. The savings would be split roughly in thirds. One third to pay off deficit, on third to Defense (20 billion above sequestration levels), and another third for Gov't Departments.
No tax increases and no entitlement cuts.
>> generating revenue through increasing some user fees
Raise taxes, in other words.
Go to hell, republicrats.
Mmmmm fees are tax increases.
I’ll take it. No shutdown; that will distract from the DebacleCare.