Why are they so anxious to donate their tainted blood? So everyone else can suffer too?
” stigmatizing gay men”
How exactly?
Add this to Obama”care” and we continue our reckless mad dash toward third-world medical care where medical treatment poses as much, if not greater, risk to the ill.
It’s not fair that they are only allowed to infect other faggots.
It’s a dogma of liberalism. Everybody is the same even if they’re different. Normal people don’t deserve to be free of aids. They deserve to get it like everybody else.
That’s why I can say confidently that liberalism is a mental illness.
Why end the ban?
You don’t even have to tell anyone you are gay when you donate blood
I am all for this as long as the gay men are certified virgins....
That should narrow it down signifigantly...
I am thinking unicorn blood would be easier to get and I hear it has amazing healing properties...
It was the Sodomites, themselves, that threatened the Los Angeles Basin Red Cross with tainting the blood supply by queer hiv/AIDS-postivie donors giving false information as to their status at the time of giving blood, in 1984, to begin with!
Stigmatized???? How about calling those, ahem, pieces of flesh what they are, terrorists, in the truest sense of the word.
Take their blood, mark the bag with a “G” and reserve it for gay people who need blood. Let’s see how safe gay people think gay blood really is.
No problem, just make sure the donated Blood is only given to other Gays and Democrats.
Sounds like a fair compromise to me.
By the way - the army is probably pushing this - they need those gay men and women donating blood on the battlefield and if a large chunk of available arms are not permitted, that is going to make things discriminatory and possibly life-threatening - certainly esteem-threatening and we can’t tolerate esteem issues in our armed forces, as has been plainly obvious.
Put women in combat to stop those bullets from hitting men - so then women wont have esteem problems, and the men can now have them.
Why can’t these giving souls be happy with a blood bank for queers by queers, and have access to blood donated from the straight market too? Why must their donations be mixed with the general population?
Rhetorical questions really.
Justice lawyers will stop this as the gubmint will be responsible for anyone contracting aids via a transfusion.
I donate every eight weeks
Some people get high cholesterol. I give mine away.
The only thing that should have any weight here is the safety of the blood supply. As long as homosexual men have high rates of HIV, the current policy should hold. It’s not discrimination. It’s just math.
If they really just gotta go give blood, for whatever reason, they should donate and then make sure there blood is not used for other patients. Every donation site I have ever been to either has a mechanism to apply a code to your blood to indicate that it should not be used at the time of donation, of they give you a call in number with a donor code, so you can have the blood pulled after the fact, if you start to feel sick. Both of these are completely anonymous, so nobody at the donation site will know.
Given that these mechanisms exist, what is the issue here?
, stigmatizing gay men and ignoring advances in treatment and detection
WTF? 'Treatment'? There is no cure for this, just ways to temporarily suppress the symtoms. So, are they saying that it's OK to spread AIDS around, because they've come up with 'treatments'?
Yes, there have been advances in detection, but there is still an period between infection, and when we can detect it, that is too risky.
I give blood regularly, but the only way I would willingly receive a transfusion is if it would kill me not to, or it was my own blood that I was getting back.
The students solution is to change the questionnaire to ask prospective blood donors, Have you had unprotected sexual contact with a new partner in the past 12 weeks?
A yes answer would trigger a deferral based on the window period of HIV, the petition said. This change avoids discrimination and addresses risky behaviors that presently go overlooked. All individuals should be eligible to donate if they otherwise pass all of the FDAs requirements, including a disease-free status, the petition said.
Ahhh.. College Students...
They are so much smarter, better informed, and more compassionate than the rest of us. They are better medical experts that the Medical Experts. Kinda like Obama, don'tcha know...
Anyway, their proposed question does not help much. (The goggles! They do nothing!) A donor might not have had sex with a new partner in the last twelve weeks, but the HIV status of that parter could have changed at any time since he and the donor started having sex.
A BS position by gays. A friend still can’t donate blood just because of being in Europe during mad cow days, and the probability of that is FAR less than contamination by the most sexually promiscuous and infected part of the world population.