One of the biggest so called immigration reforms we to end the right of citizenship based on place of birth. It needs to be based on parents who are citizens or legal residents of the US. Period.
“It needs to be based on parents who are citizens or legal residents of the US. Period.”
I think you meant to say “caucasians only”, no chinamen allowed, just like the good old days.
” It needs to be based on parents who are citizens or legal residents of the US. Period.”
One does not have to be born on US soil to be a natural born US citizen, as long as a parent is a citizen.
There are many persons for their own reasons/purposes want citizenship to be a one-legged societal being. I believe the Founders who discussed the issue and voted to adopt the language of the Constitution did not believe such wording was short as to understanding the possible twist of their words and intentions in the future. With hindsight I believe that if the Founders had said/added ‘Period’ for the the stated future eligibility for a future POTUSA the requirement would have been in keeping with modern day expression.