Now Cruz is coming out with his own healthcare “plan”.
When are these guys going to realize that the conservative way is to keep government OUT of healthcare, not to engage in a urinating contest over who can screw it up worse?
I don’t trust any Republican to come up with the ultimate solution for healthcare any more than I do the Democrats.
It’s a free market issue. Not the business of government, if you’re a conservative, that is.
Cruz said that he would release a bill to empower Americans to purchase health insurance across state lines, creating a "true national market." Insurance can only be purchased intra-state at present.Before you reflexively post something negative about Senator Cruz, please do some research.
"In the coming weeks, I intend to layout a plan to provide exactly that, a plan to repeal Obamacare altogether and at the same time expand options for five million-plus people, who have lost their health insurance and 300 million people across this country to expand their options to have affordable, personal, portable health care," Cruz said.