George Bush will be jealous?
None of the recent whacko-bird mass shootings and the like, were perpetrated by "fox news conservative" or some such creatures.
What is it? Are the liberals who nut-uP and start murdering, being controlled by Rovian death-ray machines?
They are projecting their fears...turning those into casting of blame.
Right out of the gate, those idiots blame-shift to "culture of hatred" not being their own fault whatsoever? even while they continue non-stop with their own bile and false accusations towards any and all even vaguely conservative?
Yes, that is what they do...but the displays are still stunning.
Just what is it going to take to shake them from their stupor? At least some of them, significant numbers perhaps, are waking up to the fact that Zero-Care promised much, will deliver less than was before, cost much more --- oh, and the deductibles. One HAS to pay those IN FULL before the insurance companies will even begin to pick up their (business end) of the "bargains" (cheaper, better! even more of it!) that the nation was sold by the past Democrat Party majorities, when they held House-Senate-Executive.
They own that garbage. But pointing that out...I'm such a hater.
Nothing is going to help those who are that disconnected from reality.