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To: sickoflibs
I don't -- I'm not going to be getting insurance," she says.

She still is going to "pay" for insurance - it's somebody else's!

If I am reading it right she makes just under $50,000 a year. That means she gets to pay a "tax" of $95 or 1% on her gross income (over $9500), whichever is higher. In other words, she will owe the IRS about an additional $410 in taxes for 2014 tax year,... for no insurance.

I've got a feeling 0bama is going to be losing another voter...

118 posted on 11/19/2013 1:18:17 PM PST by Gritty (You can't fix crazy any more than you can fix stupid. Obamacare was never going to work.-Steve Deace)
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To: Gritty
RE :”If I am reading it right she makes just under $50,000 a year. That means she gets to pay a “tax” of $95 or 1% on her gross income (over $9500), whichever is higher. In other words, she will owe the IRS about an additional $410 in taxes for 2014 tax year,... for no insurance. “

Of course if she doesnt pay it nothing happens to her, they might take it from her refund.

RE :”I've got a feeling 0bama is going to be losing another voter...”

He's not running again. And he doesnt seem worried about the fool Democrats running in 2014.

119 posted on 11/19/2013 1:27:00 PM PST by sickoflibs (Obama : 'If you like your Doctor you can keep him, PERIOD! Don't believe the GOPs warnings')
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