You should read up on Dr. Jonas Salk. He was one hell of a guy, and he came from 'nothing.' He could have made Billions from it, but he refused to patent it and made it public domain world-wide.
I was in 1st grade when the vaccine was announced. My older brother and sister were part of the 'test group' for the vaccine -- i.e. Guinea pigs ;~)).
I still remember my mother yelling at me not to play in the gutter because I'd get polio. And I spent all my years in school with kids my age who did get it -- wearing leg braces for the rest of their lives. And they were the 'lucky' ones. Lots of kids died from it.
It's hard for people to understand today how important the Salk Vaccine was for people. When that vaccine was announced, and I was only six or seven years old then, it was like a war ended, people were so happy. It was a really big deal and over the years it has saved untold millions of lives around the world.
One of them told me that what made it particularly frightening is how randomly it struck, without regard to race, social class or anything else.