I agree, home-making skills (or whatever they are called now) are sadly lacking in a huge percent of the population.
-— I agree, home-making skills (or whatever they are called now) are sadly lacking in a huge percent of the population. -—
Even the rich. I know plenty of wealthy people who don’t live well at all. They eat poorly. Their homes are messy. Their kids are a mess.
There is something to those studies that appraise a great homemaker’s skills at $100k/yr.
One of the reasons the FIRST thing the feds did when they got hold of the education system back in the late 70’s was eliminate all those ‘sexist, oppressive, patriarchal’ home economics programs.
It's not rocket science. It's a complete lack of desire to learn. Narcissism plays a big role also. Women (or men, I suppose) who clearly get no sense of satisfaction of doing for others. Sheer laziness.
I know some women who hold down full time jobs and still manage, together with their husbands, to cook real food. it just takes a little forethought and planning.