Huge applause!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah baby!!!! It sure is...
Ron Dog and our FReeper group were LOUD!
They ROCKED the studio!
Sen. Cruz was his usual transcendent self. He never bites. He keeps on topic, that is, focusing on what the people need, not what the media, Jay, say they want.
Good styling, as well. white shirt, no tie, great boots.
He won over a few tonight.
Jay might even end up liking him, having, until now, believed what his shallow handlers and ‘friends’ have been saying.
Best bit was when Sen Cruz was equipped with a numbers value reply about the Bush question. Thirty percent more prosecutions under bush over gun crimes, than BO.
People are thinking and doing a double take. A guy who thinks and can provide numbers on the spot, for comparison.
BTW, either they rehearsed it, or Sen Cruz anticipated that question. Or he just has those facts in his head.
Scary impressive and graceful
Bush strove for the gentlemanly approach. This is gentlemanly fighting, which we are due.
Blew Jay away.