The problem is that government is necessary, up to the point where it becomes, more and more, tyranny.
The Constitution was written to find the *sweet spot* in the middle, enough government, but not too much.
It worked. Spectacularly. The United States is (or recently was) the most successful, most powerful, most prosperous country in the world. African Americans are far more prosperous and free than African Africans. Swedish Americans are more prosperous and free than Swedes... and so on.
The “Progressives” assume that since some government has worked pretty well, a lot more government will work even better... in spite of encyclopedias of historical failure of too much government.
Good points, but I think liberals see government as a means to keep people beholden to their largesse and thus secure their re-election ad infinitum.
What a deal. They take your and my money and toss it around to buy votes. They’ve perfected the art of tugging on people’s heart strings.
Even the most cursory study of ever expanding government programs (education, War on Poverty, e.g.) would reveal that more spent does not make the results better.
Thomas Sowell’s, in The Vision of the Anointed, makes a compelling case that money does not equal results. Although dated in some of the examples, the principles are still intact.