To: caww; FReepers
Yes. That's why this is excellent......
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333 posted on
11/07/2013 10:59:58 AM PST by
(The Fed Gov is not one ring to rule them all)
To: FReepers
Click The Pic To Donate
This notion that's peddled by the religious right - that they are oppressed is not true. Sometimes it's a cynical ploy to move their agenda ahead. The classic example being that somehow secularists are trying to eliminate Christmas, which strikes me as some kind of manufactured controversy.
BARACK OBAMA, Street Prophets interview, Jul. 11, 2006
The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam
BARACK OBAMA, September 26, 2012
334 posted on
11/07/2013 11:05:34 AM PST by
(The Fed Gov is not one ring to rule them all)
To: FReepers; All
***Rumor has it that***
Jay Carney takes short *Power Naps*
before his press briefings
on Obamacare.
Y'all don't take one of them *Power Naps* before
335 posted on
11/07/2013 11:06:39 AM PST by
The Cajun
(Sarah Palin, Mark Levin, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Louie Gohmert......Nuff said.)
To: DJ MacWoW
Exactly DJ...Exactly! So I'm posting your image again...there are so many who don't yet get it out there!
359 posted on
11/07/2013 12:01:06 PM PST by
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