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To: sickoflibs

The reality is the GOPe didn’t school anyone.
What they DID do is piss off millions of people.
Not a winning strategy in my opinion.

To your question of why blame the GOP when we didn’t want the GOP - or some version of that question. My thoughts are simply that the GOP is out blaming EVERYONE else yet doing nothing to help. How does that square?

89 posted on 11/06/2013 11:00:07 AM PST by AllAmericanGirl44 ('Hey citizen, what's in YOUR closet?')
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To: AllAmericanGirl44
RE :”To your question of why blame the GOP when we didn’t want the GOP - or some version of that question. My thoughts are simply that the GOP is out blaming EVERYONE else yet doing nothing to help. How does that square?”

Both are pointing fingers at each other now. That is obvious. “its their fault’

But in the case of this thread the complaint is that those mean GOPe who we swore not to give money to didnt spend enough of their $$$ on our guy who (barely) lost, I heard Levin use this the past couple of days and it makes little sense. Dont conservatives have $$$, besides Rush and Hannity?

The advantage the GOPe has today is that their star guy (the fat man) won big. So they get to be happy right now.

90 posted on 11/06/2013 11:52:33 AM PST by sickoflibs (To GOP : Any path to US Citizenship IS putting them ahead in line. Stop lying about your position)
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