Ok man. Look. My folks live in nj
Suppose it’s Christie vs Hildebeest.
You gonna stay home?
Thank goodness the dems of nj have Finally woken up
Ill tell you one thing. Christie is an asskicking dude who takes on unions and all kinds of suck ass entrenched dems media morons. Union thugs
They are so f$&$ing bad and entrenched in nj you would not believe
So look.
I love Texas and Cruz. Hope he runs. Same w lee from Ut
However Christie knows how to out argue combat and defeat lobs by the score.
In Texas and Utah everyone is on your side
Just sayin’
Screw the fag crap. The money and spending. Along with being TOUGH with the Arabs not a kiss ass is what we need
And IMO c. C fits that bill
Romney was a wimpy pantywaist who gave in to all kinds of crap in Massachusetts by comparison
By 2016. Things will be waaaaaaaaaaay more dire btw
Perfect for America, a 400 pound ‘tough’ guy who can’t control his impulses, yet demands everyone else does. Fits us great.