Obama has been bragging that healthcare costs have gone up slower than before. The problem is that the costs are still going up aster than inflation and Obamacare is not bending the cost curve.
Once the employers start dropping the healthcare plans, the sh#t will really start hitting the fan. I can envision Obama asking for greater subsidies on the exchanges to reduce premium costs. The Dems will be hitting us with all kinds of tearjerker stories and saying that we must fix Obamacare. The Reps will be blamed if they don't help fix Obamacare.
I see the costs of the program going thru the roof. Initially, it was projected that 18 million would be added to Medicaid. I have my doubts the number will be that low. Just like food stamps, Obama will be getting as many people on Medicaid as possible. More dependency on government the better.
There's truly another way.
The Republicans must cry out how Obama lied, how the democrats made this happened, how everyone is getting screwed by the democrats---That the Republicans were not only against the monstrosity, but have alternatives.
The GOP is not called the stupid party for nothing, but come on! The democrats cannot pass the blame on this. They absolutely own it.