What alternative reality do you live in?? 12 year olds aren’t old enough to “fully” understand cruelty, torture and killing??? Give ME a BREAK! Yeah, they need some “serious intervention” all right... we’ll just have to disagree on what that should be. Go ahead and coddle. That thinking is part of how we got where we are today.
Should read “alternate reality” but “alternative to reality” works just as well.
At 12 (and younger) I'm prepared to "coddle"...at least when it comes to felony charges.So what's *your* solution? Execution? Or are you prepared to go easy on them and give them all 30 years? Did you do anything extremely stupid at 12...or younger? I did.And I suffered the consequences from my parents.But during the 45 years that I've been considered an "adult" by the law I've never been arrested for *littering*,let alone anything more serious.Maybe,just maybe,the same thing will happen to these kids if they get what for from their parents and/or others *without* the felony charge.