Over 1 Million people have lost their Health Insurance due to Obamacare. How? - their low cost insurance went away due to Obamacare regulations.
Hundreds of Thousands are losing their jobs or being paid less. Obamacare starts at 30 hours per week. What did you think would happen when more burdens were put on business? Did you think they would hire people? Naught!
Small Business are shutting down due to Obamacare. Not being able to afford to pay the required Insurance, they simply had to SHUTDOWN - putting ALL THERE WORKERS OUT OF BUSINESS.
Liberal/Progressives - Did you think they would hire instead?
Cruz was the only one willing to stand in the breach to this Governmental Tyranny. He has my families vote and I will campaign for him gladly in my state though I have never campaigned for anyone before.
I think he alone has the balls to get kick Obamacare and the Democrats butt. John McCain and the Republican leadership certainly doesn't.
The 1 million Americans that have lost their health insurance is only a drop in the bucket. More and more will be losing their insurance as this thing progresses.
I have friends in business and they are pulling their hair out trying to stay ahead of what is happening.
Cruz showed America how bad Obamacare really is. And now it's happening just like he said:
Cruz showed America how bad Obamacare really is. And now it's happening just like he said:
> Cruz showed America how bad Obamacare really is. And now it's happening just like he said
Cruz showed America how bad Obamacare really is. And now it's happening just like he said:d:
That needed saying again and again and again. I noticed the main stream media are no longer jumping on Ted Cruz.