Egg-zactly. And THAT is precisely what Bird-Brain Bill DeBlasio wants to do to the few remaining "elite" NYC high schools which are populated by high-achieving students who win many prominent awards, such as Intel-Westinghouse science competitions.
These schools have entrance exams in order to attend them. Surprise! They are populated mostly by Asian and Eastern European students. Bird-Brain thinks they are not "diverse" enough--so he wants to lower the entrance exam difficulty in order to allow hundreds of ghetto rats in so they have the opportunity to disrupt classes in those schools, too. First they fouled their own local nests, now he wants them to prevent the serious kids from having a quiet haven in which to hone their minds.
I taught in a school district in a blue-collar suburb of Detroit which was always had high test scores. It was a very successful school district. A high percentage of kids going though it completed 4 years of college. It became a school-of-choice and nearly overnight, test scores plummeted and the crime in the schools (middle and elementary as well as high school) that they had to have police officer liaisons stationed in the schools. We had trouble making annual-yearly-progress. Parental involvement plummeted. We had wonderful parent volunteers but that all but dried up. We nearly became taken over by the state. They are still struggling. They have since closed to school-of-choice but the damage was done. They grandfathered in siblings as well as those in the system.
This is one area in which I disagree with Republicans. School-of-choice is good in theory, but in practice, it is a disaster because they haven't factored in the cause of the failing schools, which is not the teachers or the curriculum. It is the students themselves.
And now, they're coming to create another failing school in your district!