City College has campuses all over the City, only charges nominal, income based tuition, so the taxpayers are paying for his education.
Well, this stuff is true for community colleges everywhere. I went to one for a couple years. You get all your basic requirements out of the way without dealing with some of the lib bullcrap endemic to four year colleges, and you save thousands of dollars in tuition, even if you get no subsidies.
If you are lucky, you can find some really good professors too, since a lot of them are professionals doing it part time, or retired professionals, who can give you the benefits of real world experience that full time educators almost never provide. You’ll even find conservatives hiding out in these institutions. My Comp 102 teacher taught the whole semester based on a Victor Davis Hanson text, my Humanities teacher glorified Western Civilization and Christendom, and my US History teacher was a traditional libertarian.
While I agree in principle, CUNY (City University of New York, of which, City College is one institution) satellite campuses, for the most part, are just watered down versions of City College, where forever it is 1958, the Rosenbergs were framed, Stalin saved Europe and the Brilliant Adali Stevenson lost to an amiable dunce.