The alarmism will continue long after the facts fail them. There is too much money to be made.
I sure wish they would stop approving windfarms and subsidies to support them.
It all started with Thatcher back in 1979.
Global Warming: How It All Began
OK!! Everybody pay attention!
Lesson for today:
1. The sun is 1,300,000 times as big as the earth.
2. The sun is a ball of fire that controls our climates.
3. The earth is a rock.
4. The earth is a speck in comparison to the size of the sun.
5. Inhabitants of the earth are less than specks.
Study Question: How do less-than-specks in congress plan to control the sun?
Oh I wish! - This garbage will stay in the collective consciousness and in already passed legislation especially in local government for many years to come. 15 years is a drop in an ocean compared to the age of the planet but so was their hypothesis so clearly they will not give up their precious climate change yet! The current warm spring down here in Australia has all the greenies running around with tea cosy’s on their heads waving their arms and yelling “Climate Change”. The reality is that it is warm early this year but only compared to an average not compared to other early warm Springs!
This guy has the truth - watch it every morning:
I suggest everyone do the same if you want the truth - that being - the big ass star out there called the sun - creates the climate on Earth - and it pull the plates for earthquakes — hell any Start Trek geek knows this...excuse me - I have to go to dinner with Mr. Spook now...
Although the low/no information 47% obozo worshipers never will catch on, thank God the truth is slowly emerging through the iron curtain of the grant money whores in the so-called "scientific community". East Anglia was the breakthrough and more is coming out all the time.
Let me wrap by saying that Algore should not be serving drinks to fellow libturds in his palatial California mansion: He should be SERVING TIME!!!
Fraud by government and in this case by multiple governments is never punished like fraud by an individual such as Bernie Madoff. Why do you think people go into government? Lack of accountability, that’s why. Mostly.
Does this mean Owl Whore has to get a real job?
Coming to an end?
Don’t bet on it. In the current era the left has decided to go for broke. They have far too much invested in the lie to be able to walk away from it. We could be obviously heading into a new ice age (as we were told we were in the late ‘70’s) and they still will have to try to scare us about “global warming”. They are in too deep.
Now we see why there was such a frantic and desperate push to ram global warming legislation down our throats.
Global Warming is about instituting a world wide agenda that is anti industrial and gives government massive power over energy allocation and consumption under the guise of protecting the world from warming.
It has been know since at least 2005 the the world is rapidly cooling but politicians have been suppressing the data to ram their agenda through while they could keep the cooling data under wraps.
Since we are now cooling, it logically follows from the alarmist arguments of the global warming zealots it is our patriotic to burn as much CO2 generating fossil fuels to forestall climate change .
Good luck on that ever happening
What kind of alarmism is dawning? The people MUST have a crisis!
Too much money to stop.
There were only 20 true alarmists the whole time. The rest were just responding.
Not to be a negativity, but consider this day one of the beginning of the turning the tide for the “deniers”!
Since the mainstream media will totally ignore this finding; and government subsidies are already in place for bogus energy for the next five years, (before imploding);
grants for the global warming crowd have many years to run; and the Obama voter will not believe the unbelievable:
The world will continue to waste trillions of dollars in defense of prophet AlGore’s bogus charts, supported by bogus claims funded by grants for bogus research, as the Yeti raises his middle finger to the snow bound photographers!
Global Warming on Free Republic