I am Norwegian. I know Iceland fairly well. It was our only colony.
Iceland IS doing well, but you cannot compare it to anything as the size of Iceland is the size of an average suburb outside of Colorado Springs.
It is tiny.
But, the warnings were the same. If they defaulted it would mean eternal doom for them
It wasn’t.
I am a published ecoomist scientist.
I agree, btw, that socializing is what is killing us.
Socialism is unsustainable and a crime against human nature. IMHO.
So I would only advocate a default. Like I would do for a dead beat family that you realise you you have messed up.
Maybe a big crash is needed.
But, Americans could get through it so easy. Now, the biggest energy producer thanks to American enguinity, the worlds corn and grain producer. Worried about any nation shutting off your tech. They cannot.
Because it is American.
So, I agree with you in one way.
The problem is the citizens of the West.
But, you have large organizations that prey on our weakness.
And, give us money to perpetuate the problem.
Like a good drug dealer.
F. them.
I think I like you...even if you do claim to be a “twit”! (just teasing about the twit part)