> “If you pass this with the Democrates and a minority of Republicans you need to be out as the GOP leader and Speaker of the House tomorrow.”
Actually he can be removed before he decides to ignore the Hastert Rule. When he schedules the vote, a republican caucus can convene to remove him and a new Speaker can table the vote.
In fact the GOP should take the following line in my opinion in talking to Obama.
"Look, Barry, we have the votes to stop you cold and we have decided to do that.That's the discussion a real Speaker of the House should be having with Obama.
"We control the government funduiing and we are going to exercuise that control.
"We are talking about a complete shutdown where not so much as a dime will be available for you to even heat the White House, so get ready to stay at the local Holiday Inn on your own dime for the dduration."the only thing we will fund during that time is the US military you hate so much.
"When you are ready to talk about seriously creating a budget...one that is balanced by the way, and reducing the debt...and we are talking about a true reduction in the actual amount we owe, not just a reduction in the percentage of your spending increases, and we are talking anout an end to ObamCare. When you are ready to seriously talk to us about those things...get back with us.
"Oh, BTW, Barry. One other thing we will fund is the following. The House of Reprentatives will meet each day with the express purpose of impeaching your sorry backside every single day for the next 60 working days. Impeach you each day on different charges. 60 times, Barry. When you get ready to talk to us, then the first thing the Senate will do will be to act on those 60 impeachments before anything else.
"So, we have the votes, and we are firm. Give us a call when you are ready to talk. Bye now."