1. Once again a non-MSMsource explores an emerging major story. The drama of thousands and soon perhaps tens of thousands of real Americans voting with their feet to escape socialist diversity tyranny.
2. If the economy remains mired at the point where one in six are on foodstamps and nearly a third of the country is effectively unemployed and the political class use de facto amnesty to encourage an endless flood of third world people to come here normal middle class Americans will have little choice but to find places to fort up to not live in a third world hell hole.
More of the Mountain West inhabited (partially by Nazis (Aryan Nation et. al.)) by isolationists, tree choppers and a couple of decent Ski Areas. If ID had no State Income Tax, I'd consider moving there.
I know that we sure do get a lot of former police and firemen moving here to retire, mostly from California - Mark Fuhrman being the most notable. I can think of at least eight that I know personally.
Here is where the “redoubt” idea started.
J.W., Rawles fine site survivalblog.com. If you prep you should check it out. The realtor mentioned in the article,Todd Savage, is an advertisor on the site:
A historical reference:
“If all else fails,
I will retreat up the valley of Virginia
to plant my flag on the Blue Ridge,
and rally around the Scotch-Irish of that region,
and make my last stand for liberty
amongst a people who will never submit to tyranny
whilst there is a man left to draw a trigger.”
~George Washington at Valley Forge~
How much snow in Idaho?
How much snow in Idaho?
3. The instant a MSM outlet carries this story, the place will be ruined by the wrong people swarming the redoubt.